Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's In A Name

I know I have been away for a while but I have been super busy. Between naps and playing with Candy I just haven't found the time to post any updates. I get really cranky if I don't get my nap and a pup like me needs her beauty sleep.

Candy has turned out to be a pretty fun gal. She looked really scrappy when momma brought her home but after a session at the beauty salon she looks like a whole new pup. Momma promised me a spa day too because I was peeved that Candy got one and I didn't. I am the princess here. After all, my name is Lady Bella Donna and her name is simply Candy. In fact what kind of name is that?

If my name is Lady Bella Donna and my brother's name is Graham Slam then don't you think she needs a better name? Something more intriguing then the mere Candy? I suggested Candy Bar but (he he) no one agreed with me. Here is a new picture of her after her day of pampering.



We've been racking our brains but can't seem to come up with anything good. Sort of want to keep Candy in the name since she already knows it but it needs some spicing up. So what do you think?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Guess What!!

I have a new friend. She is bigger than me but in a bone fight I can take her. I didn't like her at first but now I do. I guess I was a little jealous at first but I'm over it. She playes more than Graham so now I have someone to beat up on. We are best pals already and I have only known her for one day.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Inspirational Quotes : Our Four-Legged Friends

Living with animals can be a wonderful experience, especially if we choose to learn the valuable lessons animals teach through their natural enthusiasm, grace, resourcefulness, affection and forgiveness.
— Richard H. Pitcairn

Introduction: Who is Bella Donna?

This is one of my favorite pics of myself. It was hard to choose just one because I have so many. I have to admit that I am sort of a camera hound. I love having my picture taken.

Anyways........ My name is Bella Donna. Momma named me after a flower. She says it is a poisonous flower but it was a pretty name and more original than daisy. I like it. I was born on February 10, 2009 in San Antonio, Texas. Momma drove three hours to pick me up and it was love at first sight. What I didn't know was that I was coming home to two brothers, Graham ( he thinks he is better than me) and Mr. Pink. But we all know who the star of this show is. Everywhere we go people say how cute I am and how small I am. Momma lets me wear cute little dresses and boy do I wear them. When I put on my dresses I feel like a princess. Wait a minute..... I am a princess. Everybody says so.

" Look at that sweet little princess."

Yep..... That is what they say. I am a princess and no one can say no different, not even my rotten brothers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Off to a Rough Start

I'm not like other chihuahuas. In fact, I am not like most dogs. This was me when I was three months old. I was such a happy pup. I had no idea that a just a few days after mommy took this picture that my life would be changed forever. On October 27, 2008, at the young age of three months I fell. You see, sometimes I forget just how small I am and often play a little to ruff and had no clue of the consequences. Every time mommy leaves me and my brother at home she would put us in our room. I don't want to complain but I hate it and would cry until someone let me out. My sister wanted to play and I know mommy said no to her she let me out anyways. I guess she got bored because she left me and my brother on the couch. Me and my brother like to play ruff and the next thing you know I was on the floor. It hurt and then everything went dark. Two days later I woke up in the doggie hospital. The doctors said I had fractured my head. Who knew the floor could be so hard.

This was me. They put a tube in my head to help with the swelling. Mommy came to see me everyday for the two weeks I was in the hospital. She told me she was going to get me better but I was so sleepy. I couldn't tell her anything and the doctors told mommy that I wasn't going to make it. $4000.00 later mommy took me home. She said she had ran out of money but wasn't going to give up on me. I wasn't going to give up either.

This was me, one week after coming home. Mommy had to take care of me day and night. She never left my side. She fed me baby food but I was too weak to open my mouth so she would put it on my lips and I would slowly lick it off. It was hard but I wasn't going to give up. Mommy gave me water through a syringe and also let me have that stuff they give babies when they are sick. I think it's called Pedialyte. Most of the time I just slept because I was so tired.

Slowly, as time went by, I started to get better. I got to where I could lick the food from the spoon and lick water from the syringe. But for some reason I couldn't eat without turning my head to the right and I couldn't see very well either. Mommy talked to the doctor and they said that I probably had some damage to my brain because of the accident. They didn't have faith in me but mommy did. She never gave up on me. I went through months of therapy but eventually started to eat on my own. About a month after coming home I got to start eating real food again but it was hard because I couldn't keep my head straight. Mommy held my head while I ate and soon I was able to do it on my own.

This is me. Three months after my accident. Mommy spoiled me. She even let me watch animal planet. My favorite show is Me or the Dog and mommy even let me have the remote. When I walked, it was slow and wobbly and I walked in circles. No one could tell yet but my eye sight never returned in my right eye. The circles..... I don't know if they will stop but if I use my nose I walk perfect! I hated the way I looked. Mommy would put me in clothes to keep me warm because much of my hair was gone. I am suppose to have long hair but I guess getting hurt stopped it from growing.

It took about six months for me to recover. I eventually started eating and drinking on my own. But I never made a full recovery. It has almost been a year since the accident and I am still blind in my right eye. I also have problems with walking, a sign of neurological damage. I walk in circles most of the time unless I stop and smell my way around. Mommy put one of those cones on me to correct it but I hated it so mommy gave that up.At home I stay in mommy's bedroom because I am comfortable there. I know where everything is at and find my way around easily. Seeing me you would never know what had happened when I was a baby but it did. But you know what? I am still here even though the doctors told mommy I wouldn't make it. They gave up on me but mommy never did. She loves me and I love her too. She has spoiled me rotten and I am well known wherever she goes because I get to go everywhere with her. And when mommy does leave me at home everyone always asks about me. Everyone loves me. I am Graham.

My Graham Slam....... Isn't he just perfect?

"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to."
--Alfred A. Montapart

First Post : Introduction -- Graham & Bella ?

Just who is Graham and Bella ? Some may say they are the Frank Sinatra and Eva Gardner of of chihuahuas ( giggles ). OK maybe not but they are a cute couple none the less. A cute couple of chihuahuas that is. These two cuties are only a few of the many pets currently owning me. Yes, I said owning me because we all know that we would do anything for or beloved four-legged furry

Graham and Bella............. Yeah, these little guys are AWESOME! Graham has marked this spot his territory and Bella approves. Here is where you will find all things Graham and Bella and everything in between.