Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's In A Name

I know I have been away for a while but I have been super busy. Between naps and playing with Candy I just haven't found the time to post any updates. I get really cranky if I don't get my nap and a pup like me needs her beauty sleep.

Candy has turned out to be a pretty fun gal. She looked really scrappy when momma brought her home but after a session at the beauty salon she looks like a whole new pup. Momma promised me a spa day too because I was peeved that Candy got one and I didn't. I am the princess here. After all, my name is Lady Bella Donna and her name is simply Candy. In fact what kind of name is that?

If my name is Lady Bella Donna and my brother's name is Graham Slam then don't you think she needs a better name? Something more intriguing then the mere Candy? I suggested Candy Bar but (he he) no one agreed with me. Here is a new picture of her after her day of pampering.



We've been racking our brains but can't seem to come up with anything good. Sort of want to keep Candy in the name since she already knows it but it needs some spicing up. So what do you think?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Guess What!!

I have a new friend. She is bigger than me but in a bone fight I can take her. I didn't like her at first but now I do. I guess I was a little jealous at first but I'm over it. She playes more than Graham so now I have someone to beat up on. We are best pals already and I have only known her for one day.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Inspirational Quotes : Our Four-Legged Friends

Living with animals can be a wonderful experience, especially if we choose to learn the valuable lessons animals teach through their natural enthusiasm, grace, resourcefulness, affection and forgiveness.
— Richard H. Pitcairn

Introduction: Who is Bella Donna?

This is one of my favorite pics of myself. It was hard to choose just one because I have so many. I have to admit that I am sort of a camera hound. I love having my picture taken.

Anyways........ My name is Bella Donna. Momma named me after a flower. She says it is a poisonous flower but it was a pretty name and more original than daisy. I like it. I was born on February 10, 2009 in San Antonio, Texas. Momma drove three hours to pick me up and it was love at first sight. What I didn't know was that I was coming home to two brothers, Graham ( he thinks he is better than me) and Mr. Pink. But we all know who the star of this show is. Everywhere we go people say how cute I am and how small I am. Momma lets me wear cute little dresses and boy do I wear them. When I put on my dresses I feel like a princess. Wait a minute..... I am a princess. Everybody says so.

" Look at that sweet little princess."

Yep..... That is what they say. I am a princess and no one can say no different, not even my rotten brothers.